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  3. Nr. 450

John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 27.03.1828

|41r| Sir,

I did myself the pleasure to address letters to you on the 27.th of November, the 28.th of December, & the 14.th of January last, accompanied with several publications respecting the Indian Languages.

I now have an opportunity to send you a great curiosity – the first number of the Cherokee Phoenix, or Tsalăki Tsulehisunu̧hi, a newspaper edited by a native Cherokee[a], & printed in their new syllabic alphabet. On the fourth page of the newspaper, you will find a Key to the alphabet, with remarks accompanying it, which are written by the Rev.d M.r Worcester, their missionary.

It would be highly gratifying, if you would do them the honour to become a subscriber to their gazette; and it |41v| would be particularly flattering, if you should think fit to signify your wish to subscribe, by addressing a short note either to the Editor or to the American Missionary Society, by their Secretary; or in any other way, that you should prefer.

Since I wrote my last letter I have received a late publication from Mexico – "Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Christiana en lingua Otomí etc. por el R. P. Fr. Joaquin Lopez Yepes; Megico, 1826 – pp. 254, small quarto." We have now a regular line of Packet Ships from New York to Mexico; by means of which I hope to have further intercourse with that part of the Continent.

I have the honour to be with great consideration,
your most obedient
& humble servant
Boston, Massachusetts,
Mar. 27. 1828.

|42–43, beigelegter Brief von Elias Boudinot vom 17. Dezember 1827|
|44 vacat|


    1. a |Editor| Gemeint ist Elias Boudinot (1800–1839), der als Cherokee-Indianer den Namen Gallegina Watie trug (auch bekannt als "Buck" Watie oder Buck Oolwatie); siehe den diesem Schreiben beigelegten Brief Boudinotts vom 17. Dezember 1827. [FZ]

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    • Grundlage der Edition: Ehem. Preußische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, gegenwärtig in der Jagiellonen-Bibliothek Krakau, Coll. ling. fol. 52, Bl. 41/44
    • Mueller-Vollmer 1993, S. 208

    John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 27.03.1828. In: Wilhelm von Humboldt: Online-Edition der Sprachwissenschaftlichen Korrespondenz. Berlin. Version vom 15.03.2023. URL: https://wvh-briefe.bbaw.de/450


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