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Richard Clarke an Wilhelm von Humboldt, wohl zwischen 20. Mai und 17. Juli 1828

|51r| 3 PM Friday
My dear B.

Ellis intended to put forth a series of essays, of which the object was to show the affinity of the dialects of S. India. <but the fates cut his thread too soon.> One on the Telugu is prefixed to Campbell’s Grammar. One on Malayalma was put printed by itself, & I think one on Carnataca. But of this I am not certain.[a] The essay |51v| on Tamil, alas! was never composed. They were printed at the College Press, of which he had the control & superintendance but were not published, nor were they executed under any special sanction of Government.

The inscription, I doubt not, is all comme il faut. I have not seen it, save with your |52r| eyes. But ció mì basta.

Can you bring the Sutton|?| paper to Grafton St.[b] tomorrow? I shall be there.

Sincerely Yours|?|
|52v vacat|


    1. a |Editor| Dieser Aufsatz ist nicht nachweisbar. [FZ]
    2. b |Editor| In der Londoner Grafton Street 14 befand sich der Sitz der Royal Asiatic Society (RAS). Der Brief ist wohl in den Zeitraum von Humboldts Aufenthalt in London vom 20. Mai bis 17. Juli 1828 zu datieren. Vgl. dazu den Brief Humboldts an Benjamin Guy Babington vom 29. Juni 1828, in dem es auch um die Schrfiten von Francis Whyte Ellis geht. [FZ]
    3. c |Editor| Richard Clarke war u.a. Mitglied des Committee of Correspondence der RAS. [FZ]

    Richard Clarke an Wilhelm von Humboldt, wohl zwischen 20. Mai und 17. Juli 1828. In: Wilhelm von Humboldt: Online-Edition der Sprachwissenschaftlichen Korrespondenz. Berlin. Version vom 15.03.2023. URL: https://wvh-briefe.bbaw.de/804


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