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  2. Briefe
  3. Nr. 841

John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 21.01.1828

To Baron W. von Humboldt [Jan.y 21. 1828.]
Sir –

I beg permission to introduce to you one of my young countrymen, Mr J. Burton Harrison, who is about visiting Europe, with the hihghly |sic| laudable desire of improving himself in ancient & modern learning.

With that view, he is desirous of seeing the eminent men whose science and literature have conferred a lasting honour upon the present age; and among those illustrious men your name has been too conspicuous, both in Europe & America, to be overlooked.

Mr Harrison comes recommended to me by friends of the highest authority; and among these I may be allowed to mention my friend Mr Ticknor, of this city, who travelled in Europe a few years ago & who while in Rome had the honour of frequently seeing Madame de Humboldt during her residence there. If it should happen that I have been too ready to gratify the very natural wishes of <an American, in giving> him this letter to you, I hope you will find an apology in the motive which prompted it.

Boston, United States of America,
Jan.y 21, 1828.

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  • Grundlage der Edition: Boston, Public Library MS q. 1900, No. 15, Courtesy of the Trustees of the Boston Public Library/Rare Books (Kopie)
  • Mattson 1980, Nr. 12039

John Pickering an Wilhelm von Humboldt, 21.01.1828. In: Wilhelm von Humboldt: Online-Edition der Sprachwissenschaftlichen Korrespondenz. Berlin. Version vom 15.03.2023. URL: https://wvh-briefe.bbaw.de/841


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